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Menstrual cups vs Non-organic tampons

colourful girl holding menstrual cup

We're here to educate ourselves in the hope of making healthy choices for ourselves and our loved ones. so in this post, I share my thoughts and findings gleaned from experience and research on the toxic effects feminine hygiene products have historically had on our health and environment.

Manufacturers of tampons and sanitary pads are not required by law in many countries to disclose the ingredients used in their products.


  1. Synthetic Fibres

  2. Bleach

  3. Perfumes

  4. Polyvinyl Alcohol

  5. Hydrocarbon Dioxin

  6. Polyester

  7. Polyurethane

  8. Parabens

Inserting toxicity-laden tampons into our bodies, month after month, year after year. It doesn't surprise me that a large number of the female population have numerous and ongoing medical problems with our reproductive systems as a whole. I’m betting every person reading this knows someone suffering from one of the issues listed below.

  1. Endometriosis

  2. Toxic Shock Syndrome

  3. Poly Cystic Ovaries

  4. Irregular Periods

  5. Menorrhagia (abnormally heavy and prolonged periods)

  6. Dysmenorrhea (abnormal painful cramps)

  7. Polyps

  8. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

  9. Spotting

  10. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

  11. Fibroids

“Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and also the thinnest. Less than 1/10th of an inch separates your body from potential toxins. Worse yet, your skin is highly permeable — especially the skin around your vaginal area, not to mention inside the vagina itself. This is why attention needs to be paid to the ingredients used in tampons and sanitary pads. Most items that come in constant contact with your skin will end up in your bloodstream and distributed throughout your body” – Dr Mercola
AI generated Staphylococcus (aureus)

Toxic Shock Syndrome caused a real stir in the early 1980s and was found to be related to the introduction of super-absorbent tampons into the market.

T.S.S is a sudden and potentially fatal condition caused by the release of poisonous substances from an overgrowth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria found in many women’s bodies. The syndrome affects menstruating women, especially those who use superabsorbent tampons. The body responds with a sharp drop in blood pressure that deprives organs of oxygen and can lead to death.

“Symptoms include fever, rash, nausea, vomiting and hypo-tension during or a few days after the menstrual cycle. Rarely, it can lead to death. With tampon fibre retention, a woman may experience intermittent bleeding, headaches, fever, abdominal pain and purulent vaginal discharge, but not until a week or more after her period” – the

Menstrual Cups (14 different brands on the market) are a healthy and green alternative to tampons and have been in use in varying forms for the past 80 years.

Lunette (NZ), Juju (AU), Mooncup (UK) and Diva Cup (U.S) are three worldwide market leaders, aiming to re-educate the masses both young and old and are giving standard toxic companies like Johnson & Johnson and Proctor & Gamble a good run for their money in the multi-billion dollar feminine hygiene business. All menstrual cup companies run education programmes, partner with community workshops and offer packs and information to the converted.

The Cup can take some getting used to (Mooncup UK recommends by your third period you’ll have it sussed). The whole premise is quite different to inserting a tampon but stick with it, read and follow the instructions and the majority of women never go back.

feminine menstrual cups


  1. Made from Medical Grade Silicon it's great for those with latex rubber allergies or sensitive skin.

  2. Can be worn for up to 8 hours that 2-3x longer than a tampon or pad.

  3. Holds 3 times more fluid than tampons or pads.

  4. Can be worn by women with a retroverted uterus and heavy menstrual flow.

  5. The Cup holds the fluid rather than absorbing it.

  6. Reusable which saves you money – just don’t lose it!

  7. Reduces the Eco footprint – switching to a menstrual cup reduces a woman’s personal waste by 300 disposable tampons every year.

  8. Hypoallergenic containing no dyes, BPA, phthalates, toxins or bleach.

  9. Contains no absorption agents, meaning it will not cause vaginal dryness.


  1. The Women’s Environmental Network has gathered data showing that up to three-quarters of all tampon users have some alteration to the mucous membrane of the vagina.

  2. Tampons absorb 65% menstrual fluid and 35% natural moisture, creating imbalances in the moisture and pH levels of the vagina.

  3. Dioxin, produced during tampon manufacture, is the most toxic man-made substance known to science.

  4. Rayon, one of the main ingredients in tampons, is highly absorbent and usually chlorine-bleached (one of the main dioxin-producing processes). Since 1918 it has been known that toxins can be absorbed into the body through the vagina.

  5. Over 12 billion pads and tampons are used ONCE and disposed of annually.

  6. The average woman throws away 125-150kgs of tampons, pads and applicators in her lifetime (UK), generating 200,000 tonnes of waste per year – Women Environmental Network ‘Seeing Red Report 2012

Further Resources

tampon health infograph

Menstrual cups vs Non-organic tampons

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